Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Year!

After not doing so well with updating my blog, one of my New Year's resolution is to update it more often. Maybe not weekly, but at least monthly!
At the beginning of the year, I was able to start with a new job that with only 3 weeks in, I can already tell you I love! I have started home daycare with Neecie Harris! I get to love on babies all day long!
Josh just had his 1 year anniversary at Southern Pine on the 5th of January. He still loves it alot, and can't wait to see what they have in store for his future there!
Other than work, we just stay busy with friends and church activities! Josh is working the projection system on Sunday's and will be getting ready for the Men's Conferance our church is hosting in a few weeks. Check it out at
I'm busy with Clique 116, our Puppet & Drama Team! Those youth keep me on my toes! We performed last Sunday night at Mexia Baptist & will perform at Eastwood this Sunday night!
It's going to be a great year! Hope I can keep you updated!!