Monday, October 14, 2013

VL-4 Months!

With a 13 pound 15 ounce baby stretched across my lap this morning in all her 24 inch long glory, I'm still in awe. I'm still in love with my sweet girl at 4 months old, definitely more than I was when she was born. My heart is so full, she is a pure joy! {Psalms 126:3}

On May 9th, she rolled from back to belly but no one actually saw her do it. (This happened several times after) Her daddy also gave her ice cream on this day, not with my approval I assure you! 

This month she also found her toes, started eating cereal, went on her first over night trip (Montgomery & Destin), said Momma (no big deal, right?) Haha, not many people believe us but she definitely says it on occasion. Especially after her shots yesterday, she wanted me for sure! She keeps her hands in her mouth and sometimes she can wiggle those fingers far enough down to gag herself, lovely huh? On May 31st, the day  we came home from Destin I laid her on her belly for some tummy time. She quickly rolled to her side so I grabbed Josh's phone and we were able to catch it on video! She's awake more often for sure but still sleeps great at night, except on our trips, that didn't go so well..

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