Monday, October 14, 2013

8 months!

Holy bananas batman. I haven't updated in 4 months? Luckily I am keeping up with everything Virginia Lynn does! She's officially into everything and I have to keep my floors spotless! She's crawling, climbing, pulling up and even taking steps along side furniture! She has 3 teeth, 2 on bottom, 1 on top. Lover of Veggie Tales & Winnie the Pooh! Recently we discovered she's a big fan of fish, pizza, & teddy grahams! She eats more table food, so that means less formula (score!) Since we are taking a break from teething she has slept all night, whoop whoop! Huge Momma's girl, but loves her Daddy too! She is much happier with a playmate, she loves playing with Bekah all the time, Grady at home and Hunter, Addison & Kinley in the nursery! 

We are so excited for a season of firsts with our sweet girl. We are preparing for our upcoming holidays, Halloween costume is a work in progress, thanksgiving outfits are monogrammed. Christmas pajamas ordered! :-) maybe ill remember to update! 

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