Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mid-Week Humor ;)

Tonight I was on the phone with my favorite {almost} 3 year old, Ms. Harlie Bea Jordan. After she tells me that she road her horsie {PawPaw}, she took him out to the pasture because he was muddy. She quickly changes the subject and says, "How's Aginia Lynn?" Aginia is also known by the rest of us as Virginia Lynn. :) I tell her she is good and is growing! This week she is the size of a sweet potat
o. I could visualize her face as she exclaimed, "HER ATE A BAKATATA!" {Baked Potato!}. I tell her "No! She's the size of a potato, she said "Oh okay. I'm exkited about the beach, I pack my bathin' suit. I'm waving bye to you. Mom, wave by to Nitney!" End of conversation. Can't wait to spend my weekend with that sweet thing! She sure can make you smile!

Monday, August 27, 2012

17 weeks

17 Weeks
August 27, 2012

Countdown: 23 more weeks!

Size: Virginia Lynn is the size of an apple!

Weight Gain: I've gained about 1 pound this week. Putting me at -7. My appetite is back, I'm just pretty picky about what I eat. I have a feeling the weight gain will start pretty soon!

Sleep: I'm pretty much only sleeping on my sides or back now. I try my tummy but it is way uncomfortable!

Food Cravings: Still McDonald' least twice a week! :) I seem to be thirsty ALL the time, so I'm drinking a lot of water!

Movement: I'm patiently waiting :)

Getting Ready for Virginia Lynn: I have picked out basically what i want for bedding, just have not picked out a pattern. I'm definitely going with the lavender theme! I've picked furniture out as well, just waiting to make it to Babies R Us to order it! The room that will be Virginia Lynn's was a pale yellow, so we decided to paint it grey, I had big plans for the room! Pinterest had me ready for a grey room for a boy and a girl! So we set off to the hardware store for paint. I tried to stay out of the room because of the paint fumes, so I didn't see the results until the painting was finished. We also took up our carpet and put down hard wood floors. Unfortunately, the paint was not grey. It actually turned out blue. :( I did my best at begging Josh to re-paint but that is definitely not happening. So, I have dealt with it and I am determined to make her room as girly as possible with a blue room!

I have also been putting off posting a belly picture, just because that's not my thing! I took this picture yesterday morning before church. I put this dress on and didn't feel so comfortable in it. (I really needed a ladies opinion before I walked out of the house in it! Josh was no help!) I ended up changing but I thought it was a good shot of my belly! 

So there ya go! My new belly and my babies room! :) 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

I'd love to have time to do a few "throwback" pictures on Thursday! We will see. :) 

In 2007, I had the best opportunity to go to San Jose, Costa Rica! I went with a group from my church and had the best time! The picture below is me with a group of kids from the church where we held a Vacation Bible School everyday and a Bible study every night! This was a great group of kids and it was so hard to leave them! 

 This was our Christmas card picture a few years ago, I'm not sure which year. :) 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Strawberry Delight

This is by far, Josh's favorite dessert! He would eat it every day if I would make it that often! It is pretty yum, I will admit! So, when we went to a family dinner out at the Grigger's farm a few weeks ago and I mentioned making a Pinterest dessert, he objected with a "No!! Strawberry Delight!" I didn't argue.


1 trifle bowl
2 containers of cool whip (or 1 big container!)
2 brick cream cheese' (I am drawing a blank on the ounces here!)
2 cups of sugar
2 containers of strawberries
2 graham cracker pie crusts

(You can also half this recipe! But to fill my trifle dish, I have to use the amount above!)

I usually start by slicing all of my strawberries, then leaving them in the fridge for later. :)

Make sure your cream cheese is soft. I leave it out for a few hours before I use it.
In a large mixing bowl, mix the cream cheese, cool whip and sugar with a mixer! Make sure it's not "grainy" if it is, then the sugar isn't well mixed. so keep going. :)

Crumble up your pie crusts.

In the bottom of your trifle bowl make a layer of the crumbled pie crusts. Then add a large spoonful of the creamy mixture. Spread evenly, or as best you can. Then add a layer of strawberries and repeat!

I usually get anywhere from 3-5 layers, depending on how thick I make each one. After your final layer of strawberries, I add the last of the graham cracker crust for some decoration. It's just pretty :)

16 Weeks

16 Weeks
August 20, 2012

Size: Virginia Lynn is the size of a lemon this week! She is about 5 inches long and more than 3 1/2 ounces. The size of your open hand!

Weight Gain: I've gained about 2 pounds back, so I have lost 10 pounds total.

Maternity Clothes: I have officially cleaned my closet out. I have had plenty of people give, let me borrow or buy second hand maternity clothes. I had so many stacked up that I knew it wouldn't all fit in my closet and since most of my regular clothes are getting too tight, I thought I might as well put these maternity clothes to use! So, I made a trip to the DG {Dollar General :)} last night for a big tupperware bucket to store my clothes in for the next 6-7 months. It didn't take very long at all and I'm actually looking forward to wearing them! :)

Stretch Marks: No more than last week...still lots of tummy butter!

Sleep: I am having a hard time getting settled at night. Where I could fall asleep within minutes, I toss and turn for about an hour before I get comfortable. I have always been a belly sleeper, so I am having to adjust that there is a baby there now and it's not going to be comfortable! Still a trip of 2 to the bathroom at night.

Food Cravings: McDonalds McDouble cheeseburger & a small fry! I could eat it everyday and I'm not even kidding.

Movement: None yet. But funny story: Josh had his hand on my belly last week and looked up at me with wide eyes and said "I swear I just felt her!" I said, "You are crazy, I haven't even felt her!" Good try though, Daddy!

Fabric Giveaway!

I am all about anything with the word FREE in it!

So, when I read on another blogger's page: Jessica Sawyer Rigby (Check her out!) about a fabric giveaway, I couldn't help but check it out. And since I'm pretty sure that I want my mom to make Virginia Lynn's bedding. I would love some help! 

Here is the link: Check it out!

I am thinking these fabrics for VL's room. :) 

I like purple, can you tell? :) GO ENTER!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

15 Weeks

15 Weeks

Virginia Lynn's Size: Avacado (4-5 inches, 3-5 ounces)
  • At our doctor's appointment last week, they did they ultrasound and could tell that VL was 3 ounces!
Weight Gain: I've lost about 12 pounds total, but haven't gained any back yet. My appetite is slowly coming back, but I am so picky about what I want to eat! 

Maternity Clothes: Yes! I have bought some new and second hand, as well as a few hand me downs passed on! I can still fit into my athletic shorts but my jeans won't button and my dresses for church are a little tight. Most of my shirts fit but are getting a little short. 

Stretch Marks: Unfortunately, yes. I know it's well worth it, but still a bummer. I'm using lots of tummy butter!

Sleep: It's still coming okay. I get up to potty a few times a night, and I can still sleep half way on my stomach, but it's starting to get really uncomfortable. I asked Dr. C when that needed to stop and he said when it was uncomfortable or around 20 weeks! 

Food Cravings: Nothing particular. Mostly salty things. Like cashews or McDonald's french fries. But with the french fries, I want a vanilla milk shake ;) I've never been a big milk drinker, unless I have something to go with it, like a poptart, cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc. But I have been drinking it by itself here lately.. (go me!) Oh, speaking of cinnamon rolls...that was a craving last week!

Symptoms: Fatigue during the day. It usually hits around 1:00 and I'm ready to pass out on the couch. If all the babies are napping, I usually can catch a few zzz's :) The morning sickness has passed, I hope! I still have a bad gag reflex but it's getting better as well. Hormones? ha! They have my emotions everywhere! I try to hide when I am upset, I don't want to be that crazy crying pregnant lady. I want to have control of them, although it is nearly impossible. I get upset over the craziest things! But, I'm trying to not let it show :) 

Gender: Girl!!! Yay for Virginia Lynn Lowery! 

Movement: None yet, but it's still kind of early. Maybe in the next few weeks! 

What I'm looking forward to: Ummm...I can't think of anything right off. I guess feeling VL move, picking out furniture for her room and decorating! Oh, and definitely shopping for her! 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Indians & Frogs

Most of you have probably seen via Facebook, we're having a girl!
My doctor's appointment was yesterday (8/9/12), it would be my first ultra sound and although hopeful to find out the sex of our baby, I was trying not to be so set on it in case they couldn't tell. I am only in my 14th week, and knew it was kind of early. Michelle had her 6 week checkup as well, so she and Bekah along with my Mom were with us. They take us across the hall to the ultrasound tech almost immediately and we all cram in the little room. The lady asks us if we want to know, and we all say YES! 

It took approximately 20 seconds for her to say "Okay, are you ready?" She could tell so quickly! My thoughts? It's A BOY! Oh, was I wrong. We were all so sure that it was going to be a boy, everyone of us. We really didn't care the sex of the baby, we just want a healthy baby! But in our minds, we just knew it was a boy. The ultra sound tech says "IT'S A GIRL!" My jaw drops, but with tears in my eyes and the biggest smile on my face, I can't take my eyes off of that screen! 

Virginia Lynn Lowery

We have had this name picked out for years, probably before we were even married! My late grandmother's name was Virginia, my mom's middle name is Virginia, and Josh's grandmother's middle name is Virginia as well. So, it has TRIPLE meaning! :)

Lynn is Josh's middle name! Also, my Aunt Jeanie's middle name as well. :) 

When the US Tech told us that she was not shy and not afraid to show us what she's got, Josh did NOT like that! He's already protective of his little girl! We are so excited and ready to start planning for Virginia Lynn. (Yes! She will have a double name!) We made a trip to Babies R Us after our appointment yesterday, and I was in pure HEAVEN! I wish I would have had more time to walk up and down every aisle. Maybe next time! :) 

Oh, I guess I should explain the title for the blog post. 

Indians and Frogs

When Michelle went for her ultrasound when she was pregnant with Bekah, the ultrasound technician told them that Bekah was sitting Indian style! They told us Virginia Lynn was perched like a frog! I'm not sure how Aunt Jenn & Aunt Candis would feel about that, they are NOT fans of frogs! :)

I am right on track at 14 weeks and VLL's heart rate was at 161! Good and strong! They also changed my due date to February 7, 2013! So, we were only off by 3 days!

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy! Psalms 126:3 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Water Days

I think Jenn thought I was crazy when I told her we were going to have a pool party on Avery's last week at my house. Just the fact that we have 3 little one's and water, how will that mix? I decided not to tell Avery & Dawson about it and just let their parents bring their swim suit. On Monday, we hit the pools. Well, everyone but Ashton. She was not a fan of the water, I think it was too cold for her. Here is a preview of Monday...

Ashton, this was after I pulled her out of the pool. She only whined a few minutes then observed quietly :)

Peyton & Ethan had a blast! They are both teething, so I couldn't get a picture without a toy in there mouth!

Just playing in the super cool pool Mrs. Amanda let us borrow! 

I know Dawson will miss Avery so much when she goes to school! 

On Tuesday, Avery had a little girls day with her MiMi, so she didn't make it over. So I took the rest of the kids out to play, but they weren't really feeling it without Avery. We didn't stay out long, so I didn't get any pictures.

Now today, (Wednesday), Harlie came to play! She wanted to spend one last day with Avery before she left us. They had a blast! After our morning in the pool, I treated the kids to Happy Meals from McDonalds! Not the healthiest, but it made them happy! :) 

Harlie was such a little model today!

 Such sweet babies! 

 Enjoying Happy Meals!