Last week, I thought my little world was turned upside down when a water pipe busted in the attic. It ruined everything in our closet, all of the floors in our house have to be replaced, I had to up and move my little daycare and ALL of their stuff to my parents house, and Josh & I are living out of one room of our house. Poor pitiful me.
For the 3rd time this week, I get out of bed, drag myself to my parents house to welcome my daycare parents into their home. The transition for the kiddos hasn't been a problem. It's just me not being able to find what they need and when. I think I finally have everything they need here, well at the moment anyways. I read a status on Facebook this morning before I drove over here that read:
Thank you everybody for the kind words. Everyone is safe from harm and that is all that matters. The only thing that comes to my mind this morning is the verse that says, do not lay up treasures here on earth that dust and moth might corrupt but our treasure is in Heaven and their our hearts should shall be also. I'm sure that's not it word for word because I can't remember right now. But I do know it's Gods' message for all of us today. Where's your heart today?
I later found out that this post was about a house fire, where she and her daughter lost everything they owned in a single night. They were blessed enough to not have been home, but they lost everything and in one morning she has realized that the safety of her and her child are way more important than anything that house held. When I, I couldn't get past the fact that a few lousy items in a an extra closet were ruined. That I have to pick out a new floor for my house, when she doesn't even have a home now. Where she raised her children and built a life is gone. All of their memories, gone.
Where is my treasure? Is it in that pile of soaking wet stuff? Is it in the stack of boxes shoved in the shed? If it was, it's sure not anymore because this morning I was reminded....
"In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed..."
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