Friday, October 26, 2012

14 more weeks!

25 Weeks
October 26, 2012

As I lay here in the recliner that has become my best friend and actually SEE my sweet little girl kick and punch me, I am reminded to SLOW DOWN! I have been so busy running around getting things ready at the church for Judgement House that I feel like I am going to look back and miss these days. I already feel like this entire pregnancy has flown by and when I pull up my "What To Expect" app on my iPhone and see that my countdown says:

14 Weeks 3 Days

Holy Toledo Batman! 

I feel like my belly is growing by the second! I'm outgrowing some of my maternity clothes from the earlier part of my pregnancy and passing them on to my other expecting mommy friends. :)

I'm feeling pretty good for the most part, my back doesn't hurt nearly as much as it did a few weeks ago, but I have stopped lifting the kiddos as much. Sleep is not coming easy at night, but I have found a few tricks that makes it easier. For this belly sleeper, I don't know that I will adjust completely until after Virginia Lynn arrives! I move a little slower, I don't walk nearly as fast I used to, which is probably a good thing. JH is going to wear me out next week, I can already feel it! My weight gain according to my scale is about +3 since my last doctors appointment, which still puts me at -2 from pre-pregnancy weight. But have I mentioned I'm hungry? I eat ALL the time! I have a growing baby, I need to feed her, right? :)

We are down to 3 months, it's time to get the nursery complete for sure! :)

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