Monday, December 10, 2012

32 Weeks! :)

32 WEEKS!!!!

I'm sorry, I can't contain my excitement. Only 8 more weeks! I do feel like our countdown has been put on a standstill for the past few weeks though. It's like the first 2 trimesters FLEW by and now this 3rd is just creeping by......Maybe when the Christmas holiday gets into full swing, we will start seeing some progress, haha! 

I'm feeling pretty good, for the most part! I can't do as much as I used to. I need my toe nails painted, the little ones (the older ones) that I'm keeping don't get picked up as much. Just little Hunter man usually. Which I LOVE that I get to keep everyday! :) I'm having to be aware of the sickness around me. I did NOT get the flu shot because the 3 times I have gotten it before I got the flu, so my doctor said "probably not a good idea!" I get tired very easily, I've learned NO trip to Walmart will be quick! Especially if all I need is a gallon of milk in the back of the store! I can't bend down and pick things up with any grace at all. 

Virginia Lynn's room is ALMOST done! We still have a few last minute things to do. Mom is making her bedding, her bedskirt is done, all that's left is to sew up one part of the quilt and to finish her bumper pads. (I'll post pictures of the finished product!) Michelle is going to paint a few things for her room, but I had not decided what I wanted until this past week, so she will be able to start on it soon now. I've just about got it all organized like I want it! :) 

This sweet baby girl is kicking and twisting and punching and rolling. She is VERY active and I wouldn't have it any other way! I love to SEE her move as much as I love to feel her move! There is only one part of the day she is still and resting, and that's usually in the late afternoon, from 2-5ish. But I feel her all during the night too! Hope this baby doesn't already have her days and nights mixed up! 

According to my app, she is anywhere from 17-19 inches and weighs more than 4 1/2 pounds! I hate to wish the time away, but I can't wait to hold my baby girl! 

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