Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meet Virginia

I've been singing "Meet Virginia" by Train for about two weeks now. It started on a Sunday morning when I woke up feeling pretty miserable. It's crazy because I haven't even thought about this song my entire pregnancy. I do NOT relate this song to my child at all, it was just one of those mornings I was wishing she was in my arms and not in my belly and thought I can't wait to "Meet Virginia Lynn"! And the song was suddenly in my head! Josh laughed when I told him it was in my head. I even got a little giggle out of our Sunday school class when they asked how I was feeling that morning and I told them what I had been singing since I woke up.

It's now in my head again, 3 days before we get to meet our sweet girl!

Words cannot even DESCRIBE how excited I am!

Friday, January 18, 2013

37 week down, 2 to go!! :)


That is ALL that is left before I can hold my sweet baby girl! I'd love to say that time has flown by but I can't say that honestly. Some days I think "Didn't I just find out I was pregnant like yesterday?" or "I've been pregnant for like a year now!" I cannot believe we are so close to this answered prayer and we are SO blessed! 

We did have a little "Oh my gosh, this is it" moment on Monday. After Josh had been sick with the stomach virus all weekend, he decided to stay home from work because he still wasn't feeling 100%. I woke up that morning not feeling so hot myself, and after about 2 hours of timing it, contractions are in full swing with there own little schedule. So, we call the doctor and of course was told to go on to Mobile. Josh is all of a sudden feeling a TON better. My mom has already left work at this point. So we are sitting in the living room watching JOSH run around like crazy. WHY you ask? Because he of course didn't have anything together even though I've been telling him for weeks he needs to be packing a bag. He says "Are ya'll waiting on me?" "YES! I say between contractions!" Finally he is ready. I honestly do not remember a lot of the ride. Momma did tell me I told Josh to shut up at least twice. By the time we hit the Dolly Parton bridge, I start feeling nauseated. It hit so fast. And I was sick immediately. Sorry, it was not pleasant for me either, promise. By this time, Josh has started speeding up and the flashers are on. I remember nothing after this. Except, Mom asked if I had a change of clothes that would be decent to wear into the doctors office. Luckily, I had packed in my hospital bag a pair of yoga pants and a long sleeved tee. I awkwardly get changed in the car in the parking garage at Mobile Infirmiry. Dr. C sees me almost immediately! (We LOVE him, by the way!) He confirms that I am NOT in "real" labor, just FALSE labor and says I more than likely have Josh's lovely stomach virus. So, clear liquid diet and 24 hour bedrest. Thanks hun, love you too. 

The contractions stayed on until about 8-9 PM that night, but were not as strong as they were earlier in the day. It was a rough couple of days after that but I am FINALLY recovered! 

fyi: this virus was so crazy! it spread so fast and hard! we had to cancel all children activities at church because half the teachers had the virus or their kids did! 

I had to go back to the doctor yesterday for my regular check up, still no change. I go back next Friday for another check up and then will be induced on February 1st! We are as ready as we are going to be for this little girl! We can't wait to see her face and hold her! 

Have I said this lately?

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy! Psalms 126:3 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Lord has done great things for us...


It's just an expression folks, but that's how I feel right now. In complete awe but so excited all at the same time! I started my weekly check ups today and Dr. C mentioned scheduling an inducing date (because we do have an hour and a half drive!) Out of the dates he gave us, we have chose February 1st! So, we will have a baby in 27 days UNLESS I go into labor before, which we will be fine with too! This makes things feel very real for us but we are beyond thrilled! 

I'm still feeling pretty good, for the most part. Sleep doesn't come easy. I've gotten where I stay up as late as I can in hopes that when I lay down I will just drift off, but between the heart burn, restless legs, and a baby pressing on my bladder, it still takes a while to fall asleep. 

Virginia Lynn is a very active little girl! She is constantly pressing on her Mommy's side, just to make sure I don't forget about her. ;)  My belly is growing like crazy but I've been lucky enough not to have put on a TON of weight...yet! Yeah, I know, it's still early. :) We are so excited and extremely blessed!

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!" Psalms 126:3 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


From the first granddaughter to the last, she loved us all the best!

Our memories of Granny will always remain; 
Peanut butter sandwiches after 
swimming and camping in the rain.

"Wash your hands before eating!"…
"Let's play Liverpool rummy!"; 
"She's my Granny not yours!" 
but Ally is her little honey!

Christmas lights and parades is what Granny loved best! 
Dairy Queen and the Price Is Right…
"Please pick up your mess!"

Smokey Mountain Christmas & climbing Granny's trees…
We would always be in trouble but she loved us anyway!

Blueberry muffins & pancakes always made our day! 
"Hey darlin'!" was our favorite thing to hear our Granny say!

Playing with her dolls and taking pictures in front of her azalea bush;
Sleeping between Granny and PaPa while listening to the birds sing!

From the first granddaughter to the last, she loved us all the best!

It's hard to believe that it has been 6 years since we lost our Granny. We miss her more each year but we know she is busy rocking a couple of grandbabies in Heaven :)