Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Lord has done great things for us...


It's just an expression folks, but that's how I feel right now. In complete awe but so excited all at the same time! I started my weekly check ups today and Dr. C mentioned scheduling an inducing date (because we do have an hour and a half drive!) Out of the dates he gave us, we have chose February 1st! So, we will have a baby in 27 days UNLESS I go into labor before, which we will be fine with too! This makes things feel very real for us but we are beyond thrilled! 

I'm still feeling pretty good, for the most part. Sleep doesn't come easy. I've gotten where I stay up as late as I can in hopes that when I lay down I will just drift off, but between the heart burn, restless legs, and a baby pressing on my bladder, it still takes a while to fall asleep. 

Virginia Lynn is a very active little girl! She is constantly pressing on her Mommy's side, just to make sure I don't forget about her. ;)  My belly is growing like crazy but I've been lucky enough not to have put on a TON of weight...yet! Yeah, I know, it's still early. :) We are so excited and extremely blessed!

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!" Psalms 126:3 

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