Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Weeks

10 Weeks
July 10, 2012

How far along? 10 weeks

Baby Size: The size of a lime! (2 inches, .3 ounces) I'm fascinated by this. It seems like it was just a few days ago it was a blueberry!

Countdown: 29 Weeks 6 Days

Weight Gain: I am still down 7 pounds, but my appetite is slowly coming I may see those 7 again soon...

Maternity Clothes: It's not quite time yet...I did have to "rubber band" my jeans the other night, more for comfort though :) 

Stretch Marks: none...

Sleep: I haven't taken as many naps lately, I'm finally starting to get some energy throughout the day. Still sleeping fine at night, not as many trips to potty at night either :) 

Best Moment this week: Hmm...nothing really big so far, I go to the doctor on Thursday, and hopefully will hear the heartbeat! :) 

Food Cravings: None really, my appetite is slowly coming back! 

Symptoms: Still some nausea, it's getting a little better! 2nd Trimester in 2 weeks, hopefully it will pass by then! :) 

What I Miss: Nothing really. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: My doctor's appointment Thursday!

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