Thursday, July 12, 2012

Psalms 126:3

I have avoided blogging for well over a month now. Not because I didn't have anything to write about, because I certainly have! But, I needed to post pone this blog for a while because we (Josh and I) just weren't ready to spill our news. Some of you have heard......

We're expecting a little bundle of joy! Bekah is going to have a cousin!

(We tried to get a picture of Bekah in the onsie but she was a little fussy and wanted to keep her hands to herself!)

Words cannot express how thrilled we are! I went to my 2nd prenatal doctors appointment today. And everything was right on track! We heard the heart beat and I am now 10 weeks and 3 days. Due February 2013!

A few weeks ago I started writing weekly blogs on my pregnancy. More for my own sake than for anyone else. I just wanted a way to keep track of how I feel weekly and all of the changes. So, you may see a button at the top of this blog labeled "Psalms 126:3". It will be all of my weekly post!

I ran across some scripture on Pinterest a few weeks ago, and I thought it fit how we are feeling perfectly! I'm thinking I may have to get Michelle to paint this verse to put in the baby's room!

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